Unexpected Joy — Breath RSS

Feel the Joy

The last two weeks have been very stressful. I have found myself having panic attacks and mini breakdowns. ⁣⁣It sucks to feel like we are trapped in a whirlwind. ⁣⁣It sucks to not know up from down. ⁣⁣It sucks to feel out of control. ⁣⁣And it sucks to feel like there’s no hope. ⁣⁣Most of the time we don’t know how to stop this feeling. We don’t know how to find peace and feel better. ⁣⁣But guess what? There are ways to calm our nervous system and to feel better. We can and should, as often as possible, hit the pause button and take five minutes to find our center. ⁣⁣Wherever you are (home, the car, the doctor’s office, work,...

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Wait! Stop! I have to tell myself this more and more.  This ride called life keeps speeding up!  And it kicks into overdrive with the holidays.  My kids are growing up TOO fast and I don't want to miss it.  I don't want to miss the rest of life as well.  (And I don't want my kids to think that when you are a grown up holidays are just one big grumpy stress.)   So I'm sharing my reminder with you.   Pause as the crazy month starts.  Breath for a second and ask yourself a couple of questions.  Am I running like a chicken with it's head cut off? Am I enjoying this special holiday month or am I...

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