What are you starting this year? A new business? A new hobby? A new location? It's time to trust the magic of beginnings...love that! Even if the only new beginning in your life right now is the new year we can all look to the magic of new beginnings. Happy Monday and let's make the most of this NEW week! Janean
I love, love, love this quote! At the beginning of each year we start to focus on all the things we need and want to improve. Which is definitely important but, wow, what a perspective change this thought is. As we look over the year and recount all the goals we didn't reach or the pounds we didn't lose or the changes we didn't quite make are we remembering the successes we did have? Are we celebrating the baby steps? If nothing else, are we at least considering the fun we had and the memories we made in the process? Don't stop setting goals and dreaming of conquering fears but also don't forget the things you are doing right today!...
There's something about a blank notebook, blank journal, blank canvas or blank sketch pad that has always appealed to me. I think it's the sense of possibilities. I like to take time and enjoy it. That's not a bad thing but then there's the part where it can be difficult to leave the "safety" of the blank page. I would be embarrassed to say how often I get caught in that trap. What if I make a mistake? What if it doesn't turn out the way I pictured it? What if...what it...what if? It's a dangerous place to get stuck. I'm happy to say that my book of 2018 turned out pretty good. One chapter is called Just Joy. A...