Unexpected Joy

I was awake at 4:30 this morning.  I don't know why.  I didn't want to be.  But then, I heard a bird start to sing.  I was fascinated.  It was still dark.  How did she know morning was coming?  As I lay pondering over this phenomenon, more and more birds started singing. Soon there was a chorus of birds, making  me glad i was awake, and providing me a beautiful start to my day.
We recently sat in our back yard and counted eight or more different varieties of birds we regularly see.  Spring is here and we have feeders out in the back and in the front along with birdbaths.  We even put our hummingbird feeders out just in case there were any in the area.  The next day I spotted one!
It was a moment worth texting about and marking in the calendar! 
We love to make our yard a place where not just the birds are welcome, but more importantly our family and friends.  A place that invites them to stop, relax, unwind, and feel peace.  Too much of our world is filled with noise and confusion.  We need places of refuge where we can stop, be ourselves, and refuel our minds, bodies, and spirits.
We hope you will take a moment and feel joy in whatever your world brings you today.

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