Thanks for the Moment

Do you ever find yourself in a panic over time?  Or maybe I should say not enough time?  Do you ever feel like a month feels more like a week and a week feels more like a day?  I wish I could scientifically explain it, but I'm just certain that time is going faster these days.
I was recently at a funeral where one of the speakers said that every time he finished visiting with the gentleman who had passed away, this gentleman would always say, "Thanks for the moment."
It's made me think more about the moments in life that I'm thankful for. How can I keep from missing out on all the simple treasures in life when I can't even keep up with all the "have to's" there are do deal with each day?  I'll share just a few things that bring joy to me this time of year.  
We have several daylilies, daisies, and lavender in our yard.  I love them all and enjoy them all summer but it seems to me that there is about a two week period, around the end of June and the start of July, when all three are at a peek.  I love the combination of the three because of the color, texture, and size.  It gives me the feel of a country garden.  During that two week period, I try very hard to just stop, even for one moment each day, and just look and enjoy them.  Yes, they will still bloom after that, but that perfect alignment will begin to fade.
I love watermelon.  I could eat it everyday with every meal and I probably would--except that watermelon in December is just not the same as watermelon in July.  Watermelon in July is sweet, juicy, and oh sooo refreshing! When I happen to pick that perfect watermelon, each bite is worth savoring slowly and deliberately!  In a month or two, the locally grown watermelons will become fewer in number and the taste will begin to change.
Because of a memory I have of my Dad, I love the sound of a rainbird sprinkler.  That probably sounds weird and that's ok.  Hearing that sound takes me back to my childhood, even just for a moment,  and I remember how much my Dad liked to work in our yard. 
Each of these things I have mentioned bring a certain joy to me and I would be sad if the moments went by and I missed appreciating them for what they are.  A treasure.   Maybe it's because I have missed appreciating them that it makes me more determined to not do it again. 
My challenge for you is to think of three very simple things you love about this time of year and be determined to stop and enjoy them.  I admit that I have actually set the timer on my phone to remind me to stop what I'm doing or thinking and for just 60 seconds be in the moment and appreciate what I love about the "right now".  I've never been sorry for doing that.
Set your timer, write yourself a note, or do whatever works for you.  Just don't let the season go by without taking time to be in the moment and appreciating what brings joy to you!

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