Ladies of Just Joy - Jessica

Hey all!  This is Jessica and it's my turn to introduce myself!  I am the oldest child in our clan.  Bossiest?  Maybe.  Goofiest?  Probably.  I am a bit of a math nerd so they hired me on to play with the numbers.  I feel pretty blessed to be able to work with my family.  It makes going to work something I enjoy instead of dread!  

I am the lucky wife of one hardworking and talented man.  He has been very supportive of our Just Joy adventure.  I am also the proud mamma of three amazing kids who keep me on my toes and make life really fun.  

In keeping with the season I wanted to share a HUGE family tradition that started when I was a kid and has carried over into my home.  As early as I can remember, decorating for the holidays was a big event in our home.  Mom would pull out boxes of decorations and we would spend the beginning of October transforming the house into a spooky abode or Thanksgiving weekend making it into a winter wonderland.  Each box opened started the chatter as it brought a flood of memories from the previous years.  I LOVED that part of the holidays.  It was such a fun thing to do as a family.  

Now that we have families of our own we like to get together every so often and make holiday crafts together.   I love adding to my collection while chillin' and laughing with the ladies.  Two for one!!  Woot!! 

I am excited to give you a little glimpse into what has brought about our little shop.  It started with years and years of family fun and enjoying doing things together! 


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