Jingle Bells.....in September??
Ok I realize there are alot of people who are not going to to agree with me on this but hear me out.
I love Christmas music. I mean I really. love. Christmas. music. I seriously LOVE Christmas music. Well, let's be real, I love everything about Christmas and those who know me best can testify to this. But we're talking music today.
I have probably over 50 Christmas CD's (yes, I'm old, I still listen to CD's) Each CD probably plays for 45 to 50 minutes, right?
Now there is no way I can adequately appreciate each of these CD's if I only listen to them from December 1 to December 25.
I look at it like this. This music is beautiful, it's uplifting, it's inspirational, it's FUN! Can you ever have too much of that in your life?? So, yes, I start a little earlier than that. Maybe alot earlier. But no one can ever acuse me of not getting the good out of my Christmas music.
I have, however, tried to come up with a system that won't completely drive my husband insane. I think it works quite well.
September: Listen to only instrumental music and try to limit it to Sunday's. (The Piano Guys, Mannheim Steamroller, Kurt Bestor, etc) Unless there happens to be rainy, cool, day when it only seems appropriate to have Christmas music playing.
October: Try to stick with only instrumental music but play it more often. My kids grew up thinking that everyone listened to Christmas music while they were carving pumpkins. Duh.
November 1 to Thanksgiving: Start throwing in some Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, and other vocals.
The day after Thanksgiving the Christmas music runs from early in the morning until bedtime. Everyday. Until the decorations come down around New Years.
I know you're thinking you are pretty darn glad you don't live at our house.
And there you have my system and my philosophy on Christmas music. I have the same type of system for Hallmark Christmas movies but that's a post for another day.
Do you actually have systems for holiday things you love??
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